Contact Us

For membership inquiries and to contact us please fill out the form below.

The NPDA. was established in 1945 and is a component society of the Ontario Dental Association. The Ontario Dental Association, or ODA., is the voluntary professional organization which represents the dentists of Ontario, supports them in the provision of exemplary oral health services, and promotes the attainment of optimal health for the people of Ontario. All members of the NPDA, a component society of the ODA, must be registered members in good standing of the ODA.

The NPDA shall at all times comply with the By-Laws of the ODA., but has the power to provide for its additional financial support and to establish By-Laws, rules and regulations to govern its own members, provided they do not conflict with those of the ODA.

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Golf Tournament


PO Box 29037,
125 Carlton St

St Catharines, Ontario
L2R 7P9

Email Us

Cynthia Letkeman
Executive Assistant

Contact Us Directly

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